Mandi. Part time worker, full time Momma. My wonderful husband (JR Tubbs) and myself have 3 awesome little girls. Our eldest is 7 and our youngest is 22 months. We have a 5 year old in the middle.My hair is never one color for too long (thanks to a Miss Paige Berry for that) and I have lots of tattoos. I love anything and everything about coffee and chocolate will forever be my best friend. Sewing, crocheting, cooking and pretty much crafting in general are all things that I like to do. This blog is very much a work in progress. I have never before done anything like this, so you will have to forgive me. I'm certain the appearance of this is not anywhere near what it should be. I'm guessing the more I do, the more I will learn. But, who knows.
Let me get one thing straight, this is just the life of this particular tattooer's wife. Obviously I have no idea what it's like to be married to any other tattooer. I do however know lots of them, and I know what an all consuming job it is. They always say it's not a job, it's a lifestyle.....very much the truth. But, I wouldn't change it for the world. Through JR's job, we (the girls and myself) have been introduced to some amazing people that we may not have had the chance to meet otherwise. That being said, I'm sure I will write about those fella's from time to time. On the occasions that I don't, you are forced to read about boring ol' me and the other fun things I get to do with my life :)