So it's been entirely too long since I blogged, but Miss Erica gave me a perfect reason to post a new one. She just started sewing and making the cutest little headbands, so I thought I would make a tutorial for her on how I see headbands for my ladies.
1. Choose your fabric!!! I have used cotton and silk and they both work great, but the cotton is a little easier to work with. And you also need a ponytail holder. The elastic kind with the little metal piece holding it together. You will need to take a measurement of the persons head, minus an inch or 2. For example, Charlees head measures 18 inches so I made the length 16 on hers. Then you need to decide the width you want your headband times 4 or a little more. I wanted hers about an inch so I measured the fabric around 4 1/2 inches wide.
So, we have a piece of fabric that is 16 inches in length and 4 1/2 inches wide.
2. Fold you fabric in half lengthwise (wrong sides towards each other) and iron on the fold to give yourself a nice crisp line.
3. Unfold then fold each half in towards the center line and iron again.
3. Now fold the entire thing in half where you ironed your first line. Your fabric should now be the width you wanted it to be in the first place!!
4. Using a straight stitch, sew down both sides (lengthwise) as close to te edge as possible. Make sure you catch both sides of the fabric.
5. Now you're going to make little creases on both ends for your hair holder. Fold up about 1/4 of an inch and iron, then fold it and iron again to hide the raw edge. Sew your holder under the fold. One side, then the other.
All done :)
I added a little ruffled flower and a button to Charlee's but you can leave them plain and they are just as cute!!!